Row Generators

Row generators are iterator objects that are created from the targets of AppUrls. They have special support for row headers and can iterate through row data as rows, dicts, or RowProxy objects. The RowGenerator class creates internal iterators for these file types:

  • CSV
  • TSV
  • Fixed width text files
  • XLS
  • XLSX
  • Google spreadsheets
  • Socrata datasets
  • Shapefiles
  • Pandas dataframes
  • Python functions
  • General programs

The RowGenerator constructor can take these configuration parameters:

  • name An optional name for the source
  • url A Url reference to the file, or a local file system path
  • file A reference to an internal file in a Zip archive. May a string, or a regular expression.
  • sheet A reference to a worksheet in a spreadsheet. May be a string or a number
  • urltype One of http, https, gs, socrata. Forces how the URL is interpreted. Only ‘socrata’ is really
  • filetype Forces the file type, which is usually taked from the file extension. May be any
    typical extension string.
  • urlfiletype Like filetype, but for when the URL refers to a zip archive.
  • encoding The file encoding.
  • columns A list or tuple of ColumnSpec objects, for FixedSource

The url can have a fragment to indicate which file to access in a zip file, which worksheet to use in a spreadsheet, or both.

  • http://…/<file>. <file> is a regular expression that matches a file in the archive. The first match is used
  • http://…/foo.xls#<worksheet> <worksheet> is the name or number of a worksheet in a spreadsheet
  • http://…/<file>;<worksheet> <file> is a regular expression for a spreadsheet in the zip file, and <worksheet> is the name or number of the worksheet.

The <file> fragement parameter sets the `file parameter of RowGenerator, and <worksheet> sets the segment parameter. Both can be set as parameters instead of in the URL.

The only value that is really necessary for the urlfiletype parameter is ‘socrata’ which indicates that the URL should be interpreted as a Socrata site

Simple access with a URL

rg = RowGenerator(url='')

for row in rg:
    print row

Use URL fragments to access a file in a ZIP archive.

rg = RowGenerator(url='http://.../')

Set the encoding for the file:

rg = RowGenerator(encoding='utf-8',