Source code for appurl.url

# Copyright (c) 2017 Civic Knowledge. This file is licensed under the terms of the
# MIT, included in this distribution as LICENSE

""" """

from os.path import basename
from urllib.parse import unquote

from .util import file_ext, parse_url_to_dict, unparse_url_dict

def match_url_classes(u_str, **kwargs):
    Return the classes for which the url matches an entry_point specification, sorted by priority

    :param u_str: Url string
    :param kwargs: arguments passed to Url constructor

    from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

    u = Url(str(u_str), downloader=None, **kwargs)

        classes = []

        for ep in iter_entry_points(group='appurl.urls'):
            if u._match_entry_point(

        classes = sorted(classes, key=lambda cls: cls.match_priority)

    except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError("Failed to find module for url string '{}', entrypoint: "
                                  .format(u_str, e))

    return classes

default_downloader = None

[docs]def parse_app_url(u_str, downloader='default', **kwargs): """ Parse a URL string and return a Url object, with the class based on the highest priority entry point that matches the Url and which of the entry point classes pass the match() test. :param u_str: Url string :param downloader: Downloader object to use for downloading objects. :param kwargs: Args passed to the Url constructor. :return: """ from import Downloader from rowgenerators.exceptions import AppUrlError if not u_str: return None if isinstance(u_str, Url): return u_str if not isinstance(u_str, str): raise AppUrlError("Input isn't a string nor Url") if downloader == 'default': global default_downloader if default_downloader is None: default_downloader = Downloader.get_instance() downloader = default_downloader classes = match_url_classes(u_str, **kwargs) u = Url(str(u_str), downloader=None, **kwargs) for cls in classes: if cls._match(u): return cls(str(u_str) if u_str else None, downloader=downloader, **kwargs)
class UrlPartsProp(object): """Property descriptor for reading and writting to the _parts dict in UrlParts""" def __init__(self, name): = name def __get__(self, obj, objtype): return obj._parts.get( def __set__(self, obj, value): if value is None and in obj._parts: del obj._parts[] else: obj._parts[] = value def __delete__(self, obj): del obj._parts[] class UrlParts(object): """Container class for handling property accessors""" _url_parts = ['proto', 'scheme_extension', 'scheme', 'netloc', 'hostname', 'username', 'password', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment', 'fragment_query'] _app_parts = ['resource_file', 'resource_format', 'target_file', 'target_format', 'target_segment'] _fragment_query_parts = ['start','end','headers','encoding', 'resource_file','resource_format','target_format'] _fragment_segments_parts = ['target_file','target_segment'] _all_parts = set(_url_parts+_app_parts + _fragment_query_parts + _fragment_segments_parts ) # Add extra fragment parts here. _extra_fragement_props = [] def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): self._url = url self._kwargs = kwargs if self._url: self._parts = parse_url_to_dict(self._url) else: self._parts = {} self._convert_fragment() self._convert_fragment_query() self._parts.update(kwargs) def _convert_fragment(self): if 'fragment' in self._parts and isinstance(self._parts['fragment'], (list, tuple)): if len(self._parts['fragment']) == 1: self._parts['target_file'] = self._parts['fragment'][0] elif len(self._parts['fragment']) == 2: self._parts['target_file'], self._parts['target_segment'] = self._parts['fragment'] del self._parts['fragment'] def _convert_fragment_query(self): if isinstance(self._parts.get('fragment_query'), dict): for k, v in list(self._parts['fragment_query'].items()): if k in self._fragment_query_parts: self._parts[k] = self._parts['fragment_query'][k] del self._parts['fragment_query'][k] scheme = UrlPartsProp('scheme') scheme_extension = UrlPartsProp('scheme_extension') netloc = UrlPartsProp('netloc') hostname = UrlPartsProp('hostname') username = UrlPartsProp('username') password = UrlPartsProp('password') port = UrlPartsProp('port') path = UrlPartsProp('path') query = UrlPartsProp('query') target_segment = UrlPartsProp('target_segment') start = UrlPartsProp('start') end = UrlPartsProp('end') headers = UrlPartsProp('headers') encoding = UrlPartsProp('encoding') fragment_query = UrlPartsProp('fragment_query') @property def proto(self): return self._parts.get('proto') or \ self._parts['scheme_extension'] or \ {'https': 'http', '': 'file'}.get(self._parts['scheme']) or \ self._parts['scheme'] @proto.setter def proto(self,v): self._parts['proto'] = v @property def target_format(self): from .util import file_ext target_format = self._parts.get('target_format') if not target_format and self.target_file: target_format = file_ext(self.target_file) if not target_format: target_format = self.resource_format # handle URLS that end with package names, like: # '' if target_format and len(target_format) > 8: target_format = None return target_format @target_format.setter def target_format(self, v): self._parts['target_format'] = v def clear_fragment(self): """ Return a copy of the URL with no fragment components :return: A cloned URl object, with the fragment and fragment queries cleared. """ c = self.clone() c._parts['target_file'] = None c._parts['target_segment'] = None return c # # Property accessors # def set_fragment(self, f): """Return a clone with the fragment set""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def resource_file(self): if self.path: return basename(self.path) else: return None @property def resource_format(self): return self._parts.get('resource_format') or file_ext(self.resource_file) @resource_format.setter def resource_format(self, v): self._parts['resource_format'] = v @property def target_file(self): return self._parts.get('target_file') or self.resource_file @target_file.setter def target_file(self, v): self._parts['target_file'] = v def set_target_file(self, v): """Return a clone with a target_file set""" u = self.clone() u.target_file = v return u def set_target_segment(self, v): """Return a clone with a target_file set""" u = self.clone() u.target_segment = v return u @property def dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the object components. :return: a dict. """ d = dict(self._parts.items()) d['scheme_extension'] = self._parts.get('proto') or d.get('scheme_extension') for k, v in list(d.items()): if k in (self._fragment_query_parts + self._fragment_segments_parts): if not v: del d[k] d['fragment'] = [ self._parts.get('target_file'), self._parts.get('target_segment') ] for k in self._fragment_query_parts: if k in d: d['fragment_query'][k] = d[k] del d[k] return d @property def frag_dict(self): d = {} for k in self._fragment_segments_parts + self._fragment_query_parts: d[k] = self._parts.get(k) return d def __str__(self): return unparse_url_dict(self.dict)
[docs]class Url(UrlParts): """Base class for Application URLs . After construction, a Url object has a set of properties and attributes for access the parts of the URL, and method for manipulating it. The attributes and properties include the typical properties of a parsed URL, plus properties that are derives from the typical parts, and a few extra components that can be part of the fragment query. The typical parts are: - ``scheme`` - ``scheme_extension`` - ``netloc`` - ``hostname`` - ``path`` - ``params`` - ``query`` - ``fragment`` - ``username`` - ``password`` - ``port`` The ``fragment`` is special; it is an array of two elements, the first of which is the ``target_file`` and and the second is the ``target_segment``. If there are other parts of the source URL, they must be formates as queriy components, and will be parsed into the ``fragment_query``. Special application components are: - ``proto``. This is set to the ``scheme_extension`` if it exists, the scheme otherwise. - ``resource_file``. The filename of the resource to download. It is usually the last part of the URL, but can be overidden in the fragment - ``resource_format``. The format name of the resource, normally drawn from the ``resoruce_file`` extension, but can be overidden in the fragment - ``target_file``. The filename of the file that will be produced by :py:meth`Url.get_target`, but may be overidden. - ``target_format``. The format of the ``target_file``, but may be overidden. - ``target_segment``. A sub-component of the ```target_file``, such as the worksheet in a spreadsheet. - ``fragment_query``. Holds additional parts of the fragment. When the fragment holds extra parts, these can be be formatted as a URL query. Recognized keys are: - ``resource_file`` - ``resource_format`` - ``target_file`` - ``target_format`` - ``encoding``. Text encoding to be used when reading the target. - ``headers``. For row-oriented data, the row numbers of the headers, as a comma-seperated list of integers. - ``start``. For row-oriented data, the row number of the first row of data ( as opposed to headers. ) - ``end``. For row-oriented data, the row number of the last row of data. """ match_priority = 100 match_proto = None generator_class = None # If set, generators match with name = <{generator_class}> def __init__(self, url=None, downloader=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new Application Url :param url: URL string :param downloader: :py:class:`` object. :param kwargs: Additional arguments override URL properties. :return: An Application Url object Keyword arguments will override properties set by parsing the URL string. """ self._kwargs = kwargs self._downloader = downloader super().__init__(url, **kwargs) assert 'is_archive' not in self._kwargs #?
[docs] def resolve(self): """Resolve a URL to another format, such as by looking up a URL that specified a search, into another URL. The default implementation returns self. """ return self
[docs] def get_resource(self): """Get the contents of resource and save it to the cache, returning a file-like object""" raise NotImplementedError(("get_resource not implemented in {} for '{}'. " "You may need to install a python mpdule for this type of url") .format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)))
[docs] def get_target(self): """Get the contents of the target, and save it to the cache, returning a file-like object """ raise NotImplementedError(("get_target not implemented in {} for '{}'" "You may need to install a python module for this type of url" ) .format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)))
@property def downloader(self): """Return the Downloader() for this URL""" return self._downloader
[docs] def list(self): """Return URLS for files contained in an container. This implementation just returns ``[self]``, but sub classes may, for instance, list all of the sub-components of a directory, or all of the worksheets in an Excel file. """ return [self]
@property def is_archive(self): """Return true if this URL is for an archive. Currently only ZIP is recognized""" return self.resource_format in self.archive_formats # property
[docs] def archive_file(self): """Return the name of the archive file, if there is one.""" return self.target_file if self.is_archive and self.resource_file != self.target_file else None
@property def fspath(self): """The path in a form suitable for use in a filesystem""" from pathlib import PurePath return PurePath(unquote(self.path)) @property def path_is_absolute(self): return self.path.startswith('/')
[docs] def join(self, s): """ Join a component to the end of the path, using :func:`os.path.join`. The argument ``s`` may be a :class:`appurl.Url` or a string. If ``s`` includes a ``netloc`` property, it is assumed to be an absolute url, and it is returned after parsing as a Url. Otherwise, the path component of ``s`` is extracted and joined to the path component of this url. :param s: A Url object, or a string. :return: A copy of this url. """ from copy import copy import pathlib try: path = s.path netloc = s.netloc u = s except AttributeError: u = parse_app_url(s, downloader=self.downloader) path = u.path netloc = u.netloc # If there is a netloc, it's an absolute URL if netloc: return u url = copy(self) # Using pathlib.PurePosixPath ensures using '/' on windows. os.path.join will use '\' url.path = str(pathlib.PurePosixPath(self.path).joinpath(path)) return url
[docs] def join_dir(self, s): """ Join a component to the parent directory of the path, using join(dirname()) :param s: :return: a copy of this url. """ from os.path import dirname from copy import copy import pathlib try: path = s.path netloc = s.netloc u = s except AttributeError: u = parse_app_url(s, downloader=self.downloader) path = u.path netloc = u.netloc # If there is a netloc, it's an absolute URL if netloc: return u url = copy(self) # Using pathlib.PurePosixPath ensures using '/' on windows. os.path.join will use '\' url.path = str(pathlib.PurePosixPath(dirname(self.path)).joinpath(path)) return url
[docs] def join_target(self, tf): """Return a new URL, possibly of a new class, with a new target_file""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in '{}' ".format(type(self)))
@property def inner(self): """Return the URL without the scheme extension and fragment. Re-parses the URL, so it should return the correct class for the inner URL. """ if not self.scheme_extension: return self c = self.clone(scheme_extension=None, proto=None) return parse_app_url(str(c), downloader=self.downloader) @property def resource_url(self): return unparse_url_dict(self.dict, scheme=self.scheme if self.scheme else 'file', scheme_extension=False, fragment_query=False, fragment=False)
[docs] def dirname(self): """Return the dirname of the path""" from os.path import dirname u = self.clone() u.path = dirname(self.path) return u
[docs] def as_type(self, cls): """ Return the URL transformed to a different class. Copies the downloader and build the new url using :py:meth:`Url.dict` :param cls: Class of Url to construct :return: A new Url object """ return cls(downloader=self.downloader, **self.dict)
[docs] def interpolate(self, context=None): """ Use the Downloader.context to interpolate format strings in the URL. Re-parses the URL, returning a new URL :param context: Extra context to interpolate with :return: """ from copy import copy cxt = copy(self.downloader.context) cxt.update(context or {}) from rowgenerators.exceptions import AppUrlError try: return parse_app_url(str(self).format(**cxt), downloader=self.downloader) except KeyError as e: raise AppUrlError("Failed to interpolate '{}'; context is {}. Missing key: {} " .format(str(self), self.downloader.context, e))
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs): """ Return a clone of this Url, possibly with some arguments replaced. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are arguments to set in the copy, using :py:func:`setattr` :return: A cloned Url object. """ from copy import deepcopy c = deepcopy(self) for k, v in kwargs.items(): try: setattr(c, k, v) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Can't set attribute '{}' on '{}' ".format(k, c)) return c
@property def generator(self): """ Return the generator for this URL, if the rowgenerator package is installed. :return: A row generator object. """ from rowgenerators.core import get_generator r = self.get_resource() t = r.get_target() return get_generator(t.get_target(), source_url=self) # # Matching methods # def _match_entry_point(self, name): """Return true if this URL matches the entrypoint pattern Entrypoint patterns: 'scheme:' Match the URL scheme 'proto+' Matches the protocol / scheme_extension '.ext' Match the resource extension '#.ext' Match the target extension """ import re if '&' in name: return all(self._match_entry_point(n) for n in name.split('&')) try: name = # Maybe it's an entrypoint entry, not the name except AttributeError: pass if name == '*': return True elif name.startswith("/") and name.endswith("/"): return[1:-1], str(self)) elif name.endswith(":"): return name[:-1] == self.scheme elif name.endswith('+'): return name[:-1] == self.proto elif name.startswith('.'): return name[1:] == self.resource_format elif name.startswith('#.'): return name[2:] == self.target_format else: return False @classmethod def _match(cls, url, **kwargs): """Return True if this handler can handle the input URL""" if cls.match_proto: return url.proto == cls.match_proto else: return True; # raise NotImplementedError("Match is not implemented for class '{}' ".format(str(cls))) # # Other support methods # def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return type(self)(None, downloader=self._downloader, **self._parts) def __copy__(self): return type(self)(None, downloader=self._downloader, **self._parts) def _decompose_fragment(self, frag): """Parse the fragment component""" from urllib.parse import unquote_plus if isinstance(frag, (list, tuple)): assert frag[0] is None or isinstance(frag[0], str), (frag[0], type(frag[0])) return frag if not frag: return None, None frag_parts = unquote_plus(frag).split(';') if not frag_parts: file, segment = None, None elif len(frag_parts) == 1: file = frag_parts[0] segment = None elif len(frag_parts) >= 2: file = frag_parts[0] segment = frag_parts[1] assert file is None or isinstance(file, str), (file, type(file)) return file, segment def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))